
Welcome from The Director of Alternative Provision

I am delighted to welcome you to The Altus School.

We are the single local authority alternative provision in Gloucestershire, working with young people who have experienced difficulty in their mainstream setting meaning that they have been, or are at risk of being, permanently excluded.

We have 7 centres across Gloucestershire based in Cheltenham, Gloucester and Stroud, working with children from year 1 through to year 11.  

We are a small part of a child’s wider educational journey and our highly skilled team work with young people to enable them to flourish in school and their wider communities, supporting their transition back in to a mainstream, specialist or post 16 setting as appropriate.

At Altus, relationships are at the heart of all that we do.  We create a supportive, nurturing environment that provides children with a sense of belonging so that they feel accepted, included and protected.

We look to work collaboratively with our mainstream colleagues and other partners to ensure that there is ‘right time’ support for all young people. We know that working with and alongside our families is also key and staff are there to help beyond simply what happens in school. Students who finish their time in school with us, gain a wide range of qualifications and are supported into moving successfully into post-16 places at college, apprenticeships or employment.
I hope the website gives you a flavour of the work that we do at Altus and a copy of any the information contained on our website can be provided to parents and carers free of charge.  We are proud of what our students can and do achieve with growing resilience, confidence and self-belief in their own potential.

Emma Gundry