
Referrals and Admissions Information

How to make a referral

Referrals come to us via the local authority and can be made for:
  • Permanent Exclusions.
  • Exceptional circumstances which is agreed at an exceptional circumstances panel.
  • Externally Funded Outreach: where schools are applying to use and fund our Outreach services (see Partnership and Outreach). 
Links to referral forms:
Permanent Exclusions

This process should be used by schools who have taken the decision to permanently exclude a pupil residing in Gloucestershire. Once the referring professional has submitted the form, the schools Headteacher will be emailed to confirm that they are aware of and authorise the decision. The referral will only be processed once the mainstream Headteacher's authorisation has been received.  Please see the relevant JADU guide below to support with the completion and submission of the referral.